Book your free consultation

Free Initial Phone Call

Free Initial Phone Call

During this call, we will have a chance to get to know each other and start mapping out what exactly you have in mind for your room(s)/ space(s). We will also discuss how you, as the homeowner, can best prepare for the Scheduled Meeting. 

Please find an “intake questionnaire” here to help you describe your vision and bring me up to speed. This upfront work will come in handy during the meeting and helps us organize your priorities. 

Often, the “ruling-out-method” is the easiest starting point: strong feelings towards something you do NOT like will help us eliminate things from the get-go. We will also consider something beautiful or unique you have seen and wanted to test out; questions about whether a certain color, furniture, or a piece of artwork will fit into your home; etc.
This call will be a chance for us to see if we are a good fit. Any information you want to share will be helpful!